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Record ID: a9804818-e6fd-486e-be89-f52af49af6d4
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Type: Journal Article
Title: "Shades of Foreign Evil" : "Honor Killings" and "Family Murders" in the Canadian Press
Authors: Shor, Eran
Shier, Allie
Keywords: Family violence;Media coverage;Canada;Homicide;Domestic violence
Year: 2016
Citation: Vol. 22, iss. 10
Notes:  "This article compares murder cases labeled "honor killings" with cases labeled "family/spousal murders" in the Canadian news media, exploring the construction of boundaries between these two practices. We conducted a systematic qualitative content analysis, examining a sample of 486 articles from three major Canadian newspapers between 2000 and 2012. Our analysis shows that "honor killings" are framed in terms of culture and ethnic background, presenting a dichotomy between South Asian/Muslim and Western values. Conversely, articles presenting cases as "family/spousal murders" tend to focus on the perpetrators' personalities or psychological characteristics, often ignoring factors such as culture, patriarchy, honor, and shame."
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