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Record ID: 00d78008-b329-44da-b8eb-29a43028175d
Type: Journal Article
Title: "Why doesn't he just leave?": gay male domestic violence and the reasons victims stay
Other Titles: The Journal of men's studies
Authors: Cruz, J. Michael
Keywords: Men as victims;Gay/lesbian/transgender
Year: 2003
Publisher: Men's Studies Press
Citation: 11 (3), Spring 2003
Notes:  Outlines the methodology and results of a US study aimed at exploring the reasons why gay males stay in abusive relationships. A review of relevant literature is conducted and the paucity of research relating specifically to homosexual partners is highlighted. Analysis of the findings reveals that many of the reasons heterosexual partners remain in abusive relationships are mirrored in the case of gay relationships, such as love, inexperience, financial/emotional dependence, fear and low self-esteem. The need for further research and recognition of the role of other factors, such as homophobia and HIV/AIDS, is emphasised.
ISSN: 1060-8265
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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