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Record ID: ce4fd431-093d-4fb3-bef2-0ad5ff0685fa
Type: Journal Article
Title: "Why doesn't she just leave?": a descriptive study of victim reported impediments to her safety
Other Titles: Journal of family violence
Authors: Gillig, Paulette Marie
Anderson, Michael A
Sitaker, Marilyn
Keywords: Measurement;Leaving/Staying
Year: 2003
Publisher: Kluwer Academic Plenum Publishers
Citation: Vol. 18, no. 3
Notes:  This study examines why victims stay or return to abusive relationships. Responses of 485 victims who attended the Artemis Center for Alternatives to Domestic Violence, a domestic violence advocacy centre in Dayton, Ohio (USA), provided the research information. The environmental barriers reported were lack of money, lack of a place to go, and lack of support from police, courts and health workers. Promises to change and apologies were the most frequent reasons to continue the relationship. The Barriers Model as proposed by Grigsby and Hartman, which places the victim in the centre of four concentric rings, is mentioned to explain the findings.
ISSN: 0885-7482
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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