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Record ID: 929c2de2-8df2-420b-99c1-746976a98ca8
Type: Journal Article
Title: A community based model providing services for deaf and deaf-blind victims of sexual assault and domestic violence
Other Titles: Sexuality and disability
Authors: Smith, Marilyn J
Merkin, Lewis
Keywords: Disability;Cross-cultural
Population: People with disability
Year: 1995
Publisher: Human Sciences Press
Citation: 13 (2), 1995
Notes:  Provides an overview of the development of the Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Service (ADWAS), the first and only agency in the United States set up by, and specifically run for, deaf and deaf-blind victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. Since its establishment, ADWAS has initiated a 24-hour TTY hotline, provided advocacy and education services and set up safe houses and legal and counselling services tailored to the needs of the deaf and deaf-blind community. Argues that the success of and demand for services provided by ADWAS demonstrate a need for nation-wide initiatives in the area.
ISSN: 1461044
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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