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Record ID: c23fe42e-dd76-4ff4-a8df-f48a5e48b481
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Type: Journal Article
Title: A national disgrace: Violence against women and children in Indigenous communities
Other Titles: Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal
Authors: Lawrence, Carmen
Population: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Year: 2006
Citation: No 5 Vol.: 30
Notes:  One of the first acts of the current Government was to cut the 30 million dollars allocated for the Indigenous family violence prevention programs; the money was lost as a result of the massive cuts to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) funding in 1996-1997. The author argues that after a decade in office, with numerous roundtables and COAG meetings and audits and reports, the government still seems to have no idea about what action should be taken to prevent and deal with the violence and abuse. (Journal abstract, edited)
Author's Address:
Member of Federal Parliament, Labor Party
References: p33
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal v.30 no.5 Sept - Oct 2006: 29, 32-33
ISSN: 10373403
Physical description: Pages 29,32-33
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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