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Record ID: 1a6c4f66-ec55-4c2a-8987-90702c05e0bc
Type: Journal Article
Title: A new country, and new problems: a TPV case study
Other Titles: Speaking out
Authors: Chilout (Children out of Detention)
Keywords: Refugee communities;Legal issues;CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse)
Year: 2003
Publisher: Immigrant Women's Speakout Association
Citation: (12), Winter 2003
Notes:  Narrates the story of two Burmese nationals who were deceived by Australian Immigration officials and sent to the Villawood Immigration Detention Centre. After eight months of being detained, the couple and their newborn baby were released on three-year temporary protection visas (TPV). Domestic violence incidents began to occur and an Apprehended Violence Order was conferred. The author questions if the immigration process and its implications have some responsibility for the violence.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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