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Record ID: 184a0006-667b-422c-8e15-f56e257e0a17
Type: Journal Article
Title: A quiet experiment in healing
Other Titles: Parity
Authors: Cohen, Gillian E
Year: 2013
Citation: No 2 Vol.: 26
Notes:  Since 2009, an experiment in healing women and children escaping domestic violence has quietly been taking place in greater Western Sydney. The Domestic Violence Support, Western Sydney Service (DVSWSS) is a three year trial of a wrap-around service for women receiving Start Safely assistance from Housing New South Wales (NSW). Funded by the NSW Homelessness Action Plan to prevent homelessness before it occurs, the program offers a new dimension of support for domestic violence survivors, complementary to the traditional refuge system and different from the newer sanctuary programs. It has been independently evaluated and shown to work in different settings, and despite being very individually tailored, is cost effective to run.
Physical description: Pages 31
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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