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Record ID: a3862758-63ad-41cb-aed5-3aa0278b4a77
Type: Journal Article
Title: A study of male veterans' beliefs toward domestic violence in a batterers intervention program
Other Titles: Journal of interpersonal violence
Authors: Hummer, John
Craig, Mary E
Robyak, James
Torosian, Elaine J
Keywords: Perpetrators
Year: 2006
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 21 (9), September 2006
Notes:  Examined self reported beliefs about domestic violence and gender roles before and during batterer programs to determine changes in attitudes by perpetrators during participation in programs. The participants were questioned using the Inventory of Beliefs about Partner Abuse to determine attitudes to domestic violence and the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory to measure sexist beliefs and this was cross checked against the Marlowe-Crowne Social desirability Scale for self reporting bias. 58 heterosexual veterans from the Batterers Intervention Program participated along with 49 from the Substance Abuse Treatment Program. Both groups reported significant favourable changes in their views towards domestic violence after participating in their programs. Although both groups showed an improvement in their sexist beliefs after participating in the programs, the participants in the Batterer Intervention Program showed greater improvement because they demonstrated more sexist attitudes initially than the other group.
ISSN: 0886-2605
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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