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Record ID: d8e0598c-b742-481c-a045-f878e0223572
Type: Journal Article
Title: A tale of two cultures: intimate femicide, cultural defences, and the law of provocation
Other Titles: Canadian journal of women and the law
Authors: Dick, Caroline
Keywords: Homicide;CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse);Criminal justice responses;Policy;Cross-cultural;Legislation analysis
Year: 2011
Publisher: University of Toronto Press
Citation: 23 (2), 2011
Notes:  This article examines case law in Canada where 'cultural arguments' were raised in support of provocation defence cases where the provocative act was alleged to be a woman's infidelity or romantic rejection. In particular, the author considers the concerns raised by feminist and race scholars regarding the role of gender, race, patriarchy and colonialism in cases where men have killed their female partner.
ISSN: 0832-8781
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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