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Record ID: ef824bfd-69e0-4628-aed3-a28d49b1359a
Type: Journal Article
Title: A test of the efficacy of court-mandated counseling for domestic violence offenders: the Broward Experiment
Other Titles: Justice quarterly
Authors: Dugan, Laura
Feder, Lynette
Keywords: Perpetrator programs;Perpetrators;Counselling
Year: 2002
Publisher: The Academy
Citation: 19 (2), June 2002
Notes:  Study of the effectiveness of a US court-mandated, Duluth-style group treatment for perpetrators of domestic violence. In Broward County, Florida, all men (404) convicted of misdemeanour domestic violence in two specialist domestic violence courts over a five-month period were randomly assigned to either one year’s probation with 26 weeks’ court-mandated perpetrator counselling or to one year’s probation, with no perpetrator programme. Data were collected from batterers, victims and criminal justice records. No evidence was found that the men in the programme did any better either behaviourally, or in attitudinal change, than the men who only received probation. The authors conclude that their results challenge the unquestioning acceptance of mandated perpetrator programmes. Includes a review of other perpetrator programme outcome evaluations which use an experimental design.
ISSN: 0741-8825
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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