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Record ID: ca37c523-b544-4383-a4f0-d5f3585a9178
Type: Journal Article
Title: 'An almost endless list of injustices': violence against women with disabilities
Other Titles: Domestic Violence & Incest Resource Centre Newsletter
Authors: Ireland, Maree
Keywords: Disability
Population: People with disability
Year: 2002
Publisher: Domestic Violence & Incest Resource Centre
Citation: (4), Summer 2002
Notes:  Ireland, herself a physically disabled woman, presents an overview of the situation in Australia for women with disabilities who encounter personal violence. She uses Australian and overseas studies to list the factors which make women with disabilities both more likely to be victims of violence and less likely to be helped if they experience violence. She summarises the nature of violence against women with disabilities, factors associated with such violence and the response of women with disabilities to these issues. Various projects of the Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA) are described, including an Internet site, a national information kit and an action plan for the removal of discriminatory barriers in women's refuges.
ISSN: 1324-4264
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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