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Record ID: 22b3dde5-fc99-4447-a08c-cbe98ec5f59e
Type: Journal Article
Title: Attachment style and broken attachments: violence, pregnancy, and abortion
Other Titles: Australian journal of psychology
Authors: Astbury, Jill
Allanson, Susie
Keywords: Pregnancy;Theories of violence;Mental health
Year: 2001
Publisher: Australian Branch of the British Psychological Society
Citation: 53 (3), December 2001
Notes:  Reports on a study aimed at establishing the correlations between attachment, pregnancy, abortion and violence. Attachment theory and research suggest that a woman’s decision to conceive and/or abort is affected by experiences of separation from her mother. The authors propose that insecure women have a more substantial history of both pregnancy and abortion. Similarly, violence is a significant variable in conception and its termination. The research consisted of interviews with 96 pregnant women who submitted themselves to an early termination of pregnancy. Participants were divided in attachment categories of secure, avoidant (socially uncomfortable) or anxious. While secure women reported the lowest incidence of pregnancies, abortions, violence and emotional problems, anxious women experienced the highest prevalence of these events. Recommendations for future research directions are provided.
ISSN: 0004-9530
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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