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Record ID: 248bab3f-90ea-4e58-bab9-b9f1ff8c6d8f
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Attributions of responsibility for rape: Differences across familiarity of situation, gender, and acceptance of rape myths
Other Titles: Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Authors: Newcombe, P. A
Jolly, L
Hafner, D
Van Den Eynde, J
Year: 2008
Citation: No 7 Vol.: 38
Notes:  In 2004 in Australia, controversy over the alleged involvement of elite footballers in incidents of sexual assault highlighted a tendency to denigrate the victims and excuse the perpetrators. To investigate whether rape myths were prevalent enough to explain this public response, 102 university students were surveyed for their beliefs and determinations of blame in rape situations. Although there was a gender difference in the rates of rape myth acceptance, with males more likely to accept these beliefs, these were not evident in decisions about victim blame or perpetrator blame. However, males and high rape myth acceptors were significantly more likely to minimize the seriousness of the rape situation. These effects increased with familiarity depicted in the situation. © 2008 Copyright the Authors.
Cited By (since 1996):9Export Date: 23 July 2013Source: Scopus
Physical description: Pages 1736-1754
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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