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Record ID: 2e09ab11-60ec-4f8e-b84f-7b59efef04b7
Type: Journal Article
Title: Batterers stalking patterns
Other Titles: Journal of family violence
Authors: Harner, Holly
Burgess, Ann W
Baker, Timothy
Keywords: Stalking;Perpetrators
Year: 2001
Publisher: Kluwer Academic Plenum Publishers
Citation: 16 (3), September 2001
Notes:  This research aims to determine whether batterers are at risk of stalking and perpetrating additional violence when separated from their partners. The 149 males and 16 females who participated in the study were attending a court-mandated assessment programme after violating the Michigan Spousal Abuse Act. Aggression and propensity for abusiveness were measured. Contacting the partner at home was the most common of the thirteen stalking behaviours, and threatening to kill the least frequent. Communication, love, reconciliation and concern were some of the reasons to contact, watch, follow or send presents to their partners. Some batterers did not report any category of stalking. Recommends clinicians assess batterers for predatory thoughts about their estranged partner. Presence of stalking behaviours and predatory thoughts is perceived as a way of determining the possibility of escalating domestic violence.
ISSN: 0885-7482
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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