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Record ID: 1521ea18-f312-4d95-9a27-b0302b1c751f
Type: Journal Article
Title: Beyond bruises and broken bones: the joint effects of stress and injuries on battered women's health
Other Titles: American journal of community psychology
Authors: Bybee, Deborah
Sullivan, Cris M
Sutherland, Cheryl
Keywords: Theories of violence;Psychological abuse;Health;Mental health
Year: 2002
Publisher: Plenum Press
Citation: 30 (5), October 2002
Notes:  Reports the methodology and results of a US study aimed at examining the joint mediating effects of injuries and stress on the relationship between abuse and women’s physical health. Focusing on the processes through which physical, psychological and sexual intimate violence compromises women’s health, the study uses structural equation modelling techniques to measure the direct and indirect effects of stress, depression and poverty on women’s health and the various ways in which each of these factors interact. Concludes the results of the study support the development of a stress response theory of abuse as a mechanism for explaining the primary processes through which women’s health is affected by domestic violence and that while poverty is a key mediating factor, its impact on women’s health and stress levels is far exceeded by the effects of intimate violence. Suggestions for future intervention and research are also provided.
ISSN: 0091-0562
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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