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Record ID: bf892937-e917-42a5-b8c1-7c6a8b6f0de2
Type: Journal Article
Title: Birth control sabotage as domestic violence: a legal response
Other Titles: California Law Review
Authors: Trawick, Shane M
Keywords: Pregnancy;Health
Year: 2012
Publisher: University of California Berkeley School of Law
Citation: 100 (3), June 2012
Notes:  This commentary outlines the findings of US studies conducted into birth control sabotage (BCS) as a form of domestic violence. Birth control sabotage occurs where a male partner deliberately destroys or manipulates female contraception to bring about a pregnancy. This often traps women in violent relationships. The author examines the socio-cultural history of contraceptives in the US, as well as the legal remedies available to victims of BCS.
ISSN: 881221
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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