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Record ID: 43e84391-bc1e-40c7-82aa-8c151ecda85f
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Building an intervention system for men who abuse their partners: conference report
Other Titles: Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse newsletter
Authors: Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse
Keywords: Policing;Perpetrators;Counselling;Perpetrator programs
Year: 2001
Publisher: Australian Domestic & Family Violence Clearinghouse, UNSW
Citation: (9), December 2001
Notes:  Reports on the conference, Building an intervention system for men who abuse their partners: organisation development, judicial oversight and program evaluation:held in Brisbane from 28-30 November 2001. Chief Court Judge Jack Simmons, head of the Magistrate Court/Domestic Violence system in Pittsburgh, USA, described the process in current use there for persons arrested for domestic violence in a ‘mandatory arrest’ policy context. Robert Foster, USA, director of the Domestic Abuse Counselling Centre for men who abuse their partners, discussed the DACC programme curriculum which is available on their website. Dr Edward Gondolf, USA, principal investigator for the Centre of Disease Control’s evaluation of intervention programmes for men who abuse their partners, presented findings from his multi-site evaluation of perpetrator programmes in the US which are contained in his book, Batterer Intervention Systems – Issues, Outcomes and Recommendations:.
ISSN: 1443-7236
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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