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Record ID: 1500e50e-432a-4684-8892-3467b7b3e22f
Type: Journal Article
Title: Burnout and vicarious traumatisation: what are refuge workers facing?: filling the gap in the research literature
Other Titles: Domestic Violence & Incest Resource Centre Newsletter
Authors: Brescher, Heidi
Keywords: Mental health;Workplaces
Year: 2004
Publisher: Domestic Violence & Incest Resource Centre
Citation: (2), Winter 2004
Notes:  Discusses the relevance of burnout and vicarious traumatisation to domestic violence refuge workers, highlighting the paucity of literature and research in this area to date. The concepts of 'burnout' and 'vicarious traumatisation' are defined and some of the themes emerging from the author's own research into refuge workers' experience of burnout and vicarious traumatisation are considered. Strategies adopted by refuge workers in coping with stress and burnout are examined and some directions for future research are identified.
ISSN: 1324-4264
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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