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Record ID: e29e8508-5a4e-4431-a1d4-99dc3b2f3f1c
Type: Journal Article
Title: Characteristics of domestic violence offenders: associations with childhood exposure to violence
Other Titles: Journal of family violence
Authors: Christoff, Karen A
Henning, Kris R
Murrell, Amy R
Keywords: Impact on children and young people
Year: 2007
Publisher: Kluwer Academic Plenum Publishers
Citation: 22 (7), October 2007
Notes:  Many women are abused by intimate partners, millions of children witness such acts, and many of these children are physically abused. Children who are exposed to violence often evidence difficulties, including violent behavior, as adults. One hypothesized mode of intergenerational transmission is modeling. There is evidence that witnessing and/or experiencing violence are related to different patterns of abusive behavior and, perhaps, psychopathology, but the extent of the relationship is unclear. This study examined differences in generality, frequency, and severity of violent offenses, nonviolent criminal behavior, and psychopathology within a battering population of 1,099 adult males with varying levels of exposure to violence as children. Generality, frequency, and severity of violence and psychopathology all increased as level of childhood exposure to violence increased. Modeling theory was supported by the findings that men who witnessed domestic violence as children committed the most frequent domestic violence, and men who were abused as children were more likely to abuse children. Men who were abused also committed more general violence.
[?2007 Springer. All rights reserved. For further information, visit SpringerLink.]
ISSN: 0885-7482
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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