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Record ID: ca6e7e72-57e1-42da-822c-393882a5cd9a
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Charging perverting the course of justice and wasting police time in cases involving allegedly false rape and domestic violence allegations
Authors: Levitt, Alison
Keywords: Sexual assault;Criminal justice responses;Legal issues
Year: 2013
Publisher: Crown Prosecution Service
Notes:  "Joint report to the Director of Public Prosecutions"
The (UK) Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) conducted a seventeen month study of cases where allegedly false claims of rape or domestic violence or both were made.

Between January 2011 and May 2012, 159 charging decisions were analysed. There were 121 cases involving an allegedly false allegation of rape; 27 cases of allegedly false allegations of domestic violence; and 11 cases of allegedly false allegations of both rape and domestic violence.

This is the first study ever conducted by the CPS of allegedly false allegations of rape and/or domestic violence and includes eight case studies, the key findings of the case reviews, and specific points to be considered by investigators in dealing with such cases.
Contents:  Foreword
Analysis of decisions referred to the DPP for approval
Key lessons learned
Physical description: 44 p.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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