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Record ID: 50df21fb-9e90-421e-839d-07174dcae647
Type: Journal Article
Title: Child abuse and other family violence: findings from a case tracking study
Other Titles: Family matters
Authors: Tomison, Adam M
Keywords: Impact on children and young people;Child protection;Psychological abuse;Sexual assault
Year: 1995
Publisher: Australian Institute of Family Studies
Citation: 41, Winter 1995
Notes:  Outlines the research design and findings of a case tracking study that explored the relationship between child abuse and other forms of family violence in a Victorian sample. Cases collected from the Community Policing Squad and Victorian Community Services were analysed and the extent to which domestic violence, child sexual abuse, child physical abuse, emotional abuse and neglect occurred concurrently was assessed. Individual case studies are used to illustrate the findings and it is suggested there is a need to move towards investigating aspects of family violence as a whole, rather than in its isolated forms.
ISSN: 1030-2646
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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