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Record ID: bbc500dd-e3d1-4a2f-bc76-cb1cbf88ab71
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Children as the forgotten victims of domestic and family violence : time for reform in Western Australian refuges
Authors: Stainton, Lorren
Keywords: Children;Refuges;Western Australia;Impact on children and young people;Domestic violence;Family violence
Year: 2016
Citation: Vol. 28, no. 1 ; pp 79-89
Notes:  "Domestic and family violence is a crime where the overwhelming majority of victims are
women and children and perpetrators are men. While sociopolitical movements in
Australia have focused on women, there is a critical need to focus on child victims. The
second wave feminist movement strived for the acknowledgement of women as individuals,
as opposed to being someone's wife or mother. Children were typically viewed as silent
witnesses to violence, unable to comprehend it and therefore, not experience it. This
contextualises why historically, Refuges may not have focused on supporting children as
much as women. While legislatively children's rights are not protected as such in
Australia, non-legal frameworks such as those that promote policy-level reforms can help
protect children's rights in Refuges. The Women's Council for Domestic and Family
Violence Services (WA) (WCDFVS) developed the Good Practice Guidelines for Working
with Children and Young People in Refuges (the Guidelines) to help ensure that children's
needs are met while residing in Refuges. The aim of this article is to explain how the
Guidelines can support children at individual, relational and collective levels, and create
cultural change whereby children are seen as clients in their own right whilst living in
Western Australian Refuges."
Abstract - open source
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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