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Record ID: 6c9c327f-49cd-4915-a1ca-0bd84ed1c279
Type: Journal Article
Title: Churches as partners in institutionalised abuse: disarming the 'bible-bashers'
Other Titles: Violence against women
Authors: Hall, Fiona D
Keywords: Religious groups
Year: 2006
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: (18), 2006
Notes:  Abuse affects all aspects of a person’s life including religious experience. Since the early 1990’s the avalanche of abuse complaints flowing from Australian church communities has shaken the country to its highest religious and vice-regal offices, and also deeply stained our national history. Church hierarchies use the Bible, and other control mechanisms to both justify church-perpetrated abuse and limit survivors’ options. This paper calls on survivors to turn the tables on the ’Bible-bashers’ by challenging how biblical material is used within church and community contexts, and also by unmasking the ideology and church rhetoric that has traditionally legitimised abuse.
ISSN: 1077-8012
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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