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Record ID: 64a4cee6-1893-4bff-8621-51fdbf1c2003
Type: Journal Article
Title: Comparison of international elder abuse prevalence studies
Other Titles: International Perspectives in Victimology
Authors: Joshi, Mrinalini
Jogerst, Gerald J
Daly, Jeanette M
Keywords: Statistics;Older people;Measurement
Year: 2009
Publisher: Tokiwa International Victimology Institute
Citation: 4 (2), December 2009
Notes:  This article presents finding from a review of the international literature on prevalence of elder abuse, including family violence. After reviewing 997 articles, the authors identified only eight as epidemiological community-based elder abuse prevalence studies. The article includes a detailed analysis of these studies including definition of abuse, measurement tools, period prevalence, sample size, sampling method, age of subject and setting. In conclusion, the authors identified significant challenges and variations in the studies, most notably, inconsistent or narrow definitions of elder abuse.
ISSN: 21566194
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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