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Record ID: b40377ee-8f9d-4d92-b099-ff2d2b3514fa
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Consultation on family breakdown amongst people who have newly-arrived in Australia as part of the humanitarian program
Authors: Refugee Council of Australia
Keywords: Refugee communities
Year: 2003
Publisher: Australian Domestic & Family Violence Clearinghouse, UNSW
Notes:  This issues paper presents the factors that increase the vulnerability of immigrants who experience domestic violence and the resultant implications on service delivery. The information derives from a consultation process with the service providers that offer settlement assistance to refugees and humanitarian entrant families conducted in 2002/2003. The exacerbating factors of existing and potential tensions identified are related to personal issues like level of trauma or financial pressures and information issues such as lack of knowledge of the Australian legal system or cultural norms. Several limitations of service provision by generalist services providers, initial settlement workers and domestic violence practitioners, were also reported. A number of recommendations made by the community sector at the consultations are included. The available domestic violence and child protection services and resources are also listed.
Physical description: 11p
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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