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Record ID: e8c75eda-2d98-4d75-afab-d219a84b3c93
Type: Journal Article
Title: Creating spatial, relational and cultural safety in online social work education during COVID-19
Authors: Gates, Trevor G.
Bennett, Bindi
Ross, Dyann
Categories: COVID-19 Research
Year: 2021
Publisher: Routledge
Abstract:  Spatial, relational and cultural safety are critical elements of trauma-informed social work practice, gaining momentum in social work education. Culturally responsive and trauma-informed pedagogical approaches meet the definition of safety. The aim is to create a democratic, collaborative, and reflexive space whereby students and educators can feel simultaneously supported in the diversity of their respective lived experiences and learning. The challenges in fostering these learning and teaching spaces are reflected upon at one Australian university which responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by quickly transitioning to online learning without prior planning and consultation. The reflection describes the challenges and opportunities in delivering online content and the use of spatial, relational and cultural safety to navigate these challenges. The authors demonstrate the Aboriginal practice of social Yarning for use in online classrooms. Yarning helps educators and students attend to safety as an integral dimension of social work education.
ISSN: 0261-5479
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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