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Record ID: 5273bd0f-2e3e-4d35-ad8a-da4174657cf3
Type: Journal Article
Title: Crisis intervention with families in shelters for battered women
Other Titles: Journal of family psychotherapy
Authors: Mathews, Reena
Lehmann, Peter
Keywords: Early intervention;Impact on children and young people;Counselling
Year: 1999
Publisher: Haworth Press
Citation: 10 (2), 1999
Notes:  Applies an adaptation of Robert’s Seven Stages model of crisis intervention to the case study of ‘Laura’, a six-year-old girl living with her mother and brothers in a shelter for battered women in the US. The revised model suggests intervention with children exposed to domestic violence occurs in five phases: establishing rapport and assessing danger; identifying problems; providing support and addressing feelings; exploring alternatives and formulating an action plan; and follow up. The value of a clear model of intervention for family therapists and other service providers is also highlighted.
ISSN: 0897-5353
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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