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Record ID: 7812e21a-25e7-448b-8b57-d398f2ebd5ef
Type: Journal Article
Title: Cross-validation of the self-appraisal questionnaire (SAQ): an offender risk and need assessment measure on Australian, British, Canadian, Singaporean, and American offenders
Other Titles: Journal of interpersonal violence
Authors: Cumbleton, Anita
Shahinfar, Ariana
Loza, Wagdy
Keywords: Prevention;Perpetrators;Criminal justice responses;Measurement;Cross-cultural
Year: 2004
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 19 (10), October 2004
Notes:  Presents the findings and methodology of an international study designed to assess the validity of a self-appraisal questionnaire (SAQ) for predicting violent and non-violent recidivism among adult criminal offenders. The range of instruments used to predict offender recidivism is discussed and the absence of any leading approach highlighted. The research project utilised samples from Britain, Canada, Australia, Singapore and the United States and the results suggest the SAQ has sound psychometric properties with reasonable reliability and concurrent validity across these groups. Some practical and clinical advantages of using the SAQ are outlined and its utility for future research is discussed.
ISSN: 0886-2605
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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