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Record ID: cbf0a869-5c47-4ea9-8644-5eb92576e91e
Type: Journal Article
Title: Designing policies that address the relationship between woman abuse and economic resources
Other Titles: Journal of sociology and social welfare
Authors: Christy-McMullin, Kameri
Keywords: Welfare;Policy
Year: 2002
Publisher: Western Michigan University School of Social Work
Citation: 29 (3), September 2002
Notes:  Examines the impact of social and economic policies on the experiences of abused women in the U.S., addressing six overlapping components that contribute to and/or detract from women’s economic independence: public assistance and service provision; education; employment opportunities; income; assets; and divorce/child custody settlements. Various limitations of current policies are identified and a more integrative approach to meeting the needs of abused women is proposed. The development of a Woman Abuse Prevention and Intervention Act, comprising five key elements addressing specified areas of concern, is recommended, and some of the arguments against such legislation are challenged. Concludes that both physical safety and long-term economic security for abused women must become a priority for policy makers.
ISSN: 0191-5096
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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