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Record ID: 0dd44bf1-8a76-4f0a-b90e-da7b2e017c12
Type: Journal Article
Title: Development and predictive ability of a behavior-based typology of men who batter
Other Titles: Journal of family violence
Authors: Bennett, Larry
Vincent, Neil
Stoops, Charlie
Keywords: Perpetrators
Year: 2010
Publisher: Springer Publishing
Citation: 25 (3), April 2010
Notes:  This study explores the existence and predictive ability of a behavior-based typology of men who were adjudicated for a domestic violence crime in an urban criminal justice system. Data from 671 men who completed a 2-hour biopsychosocial assessment were analyzed using cluster analysis. Findings indicate a typology of low level criminality (25.6%), dysphoric volatile behavior (42.2%), and dysphoric general violence (32.2%) similar to previous typologies, but with some unique characteristics. The behavior-based typology predicted both program completion and subsequent rearrest. This study provides preliminary support for the development of typological assessment in criminal justice and BIP settings for early identification of men who may need additional interventions.
[?2010 Springer. All rights reserved. For further information, visit SpringerLink.]
ISSN: 0885-7482
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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