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Record ID: 3de2062f-ecbf-4f82-bcea-92cbf8b7d9df
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Dilemmas in working with women with complex needs
Other Titles: Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse newsletter
Authors: Cooper, Lesley
Keywords: Workplaces;Service provision;Sexual assault;Drug and alcohol misuse
Year: 2004
Publisher: Australian Domestic & Family Violence Clearinghouse, UNSW
Citation: (19), September 2004
Notes:  Reports on a research project conducted by the Western Domestic Violence Service (WDVS) in collaboration with Flinders University in South Australia to investigate practice issues around working with women involved with outlaw motorcycle gangs or cults and women engaged in sex work or transaction sex. The research, funded by the Supported Accommodation and Assistance Program (SAAP) Co-ordination and Development Committee, takes a practice focus in looking at the naming and identifying of the ethical dilemmas in working with these women. Dilemmas investigated include breaching client confidentiality, involving the police or Family and Youth Services (FAYS), establishing a client’s competence, and making decisions based on incomplete data. Research report includes a list of recommendations developed after discussion with a reference group of workers in the areas of law, sex work and sexual violence. A larger research project commenced in October 2004 by Professor Cooper and WDVS will broaden the investigation into practice issues with this client group.
ISSN: 1443-7236
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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