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Record ID: 15dd5992-41aa-4fca-94da-adb13adec390
Type: Journal Article
Title: Does batterer's treatment work? a meta-analytic review of domestic violence treatment
Other Titles: Clinical psychology review
Authors: Robie, Chet
Green, Charles E
Keywords: Early intervention;Perpetrators;Counselling;Prevention
Topic: Perpetrator interventions
Year: 2004
Publisher: Pergamon Press
Citation: (23), 2004
Notes:  Presents the findings of a meta-analytic review of domestic violence treatment programmes in the United States to assess the relative effectiveness of various approaches to intervention, such as the Duluth Model and cognitive-behavioural therapy. Suggests that regardless of approach, most treatment programmes have achieved only marginal success in reducing recidivism. Limitations of the review are identified and some directions for further research and practice are made.
ISSN: 0272-7358
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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