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Record ID: a1717ad3-10e6-42a0-a957-480617e9eb0c
Type: Journal Article
Title: Domestic violence and housing
Other Titles: DVAR: Domestic violence, action and resources
Authors: Johnson, Sally
Keywords: Housing
Year: 1999
Publisher: Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
Citation: (5 & 6), December 1999
Notes:  Journal of the DVRC Inc.
Discusses the problems of placing women and children, who are escaping violence, in motels due to the lack of vacancies in refuges or supported accommodation. This is seen as the least preferred option, as workers cannot provide the support needed, women are left alone, and are unsure of what will happen to them the following day. One suggestion for reducing the strain on crisis accommodation involves improving responses to enable women and children to remain in their own homes.
ISSN: 1329-900X
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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