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Record ID: 98ed8c14-51d0-4c2a-99ee-be1b0805932c
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Domestic violence and state intervention in the American West and Australia, 1860–1930
Other Titles: Indiana Law Journal
Authors: Ramsey, Carolyn B
Keywords: Community attitudes;Criminal justice responses;Policy;Homicide
Year: 2011
Publisher: Indiana University School of Law
Citation: 86, 2011
Notes:  This article examines the policies and practices by police, courts, juries and the press regarding the legal treatment and public views of men's physical violence towards their female partners. The author draws on criminal case files, sentencing records and newspaper accounts from Australia and the US between 1860 and 1930. The author also examines legal proceedings against women who killed their abusive partner. Overall, the author suggests that attitudes did not tolerate male violence towards their female partners and that criminal prosecution was more common than anticipated. Additionally, women were found to have successfully raised self-defence arguments in acquittal for killing their abusive partners.
ISSN: 0019-6665
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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