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Record ID: 2ab6ab98-7c77-4c50-b6b1-b34d56b3468c
Type: Journal Article
Title: Domestic violence between same-sex partners: implications for counseling
Other Titles: Journal of counseling and development
Authors: Dixon, Charlotte G
Peterman, Linda M
Keywords: Legal issues;Counselling;Overview;Gay/lesbian/transgender;Drug and alcohol misuse
Year: 2003
Publisher: American Association for Counseling and Development
Citation: 81 (1), Winter 2003
Notes:  Based upon a review of existing literature and expert opinion, this article discusses the nature, incidence and dynamics of domestic violence between same-sex partners and identifies some of the cultural stereotypes and myths that influence the experiences of victims. The implications of these findings for counsellors in the US working with gay/lesbian victims of violence are then discussed, with specific emphasis on the role of substance abuse and legal system barriers.
ISSN: 0748-9633
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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