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Record ID: 2b18d587-fb9d-40e7-9382-cb0eebfa44d5
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Domestic violence disclosure schemes : effective law reform or continued assertion of patriarchal power?
Authors: O'Leary, Jodie
Greene, Elizabeth
Keywords: Perpetrator accountability;Disclosure;Reporting;Domestic violence;Family violence;Intimate partner violence
Year: 2018
Citation: Vol. 30, no. 1 ; pp. 56-82
Abstract:  Argues that domestic violence disclosure schemes (DVDSs) will not be effective in reducing recidivism, and that recipients of information from these schemes are unlikely to take proactive action. Also argues that, as experienced with sex offender registers, the use of DVDSs shifts responsibility for avoiding such abuse from the predominently male perpetrators and society generally onto mostly female recipients of the disclosed information.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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