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Record ID: ed5216aa-7d5a-433d-8163-83aad7eb632c
Type: Journal Article
Title: Domestic violence in lesbian relationships
Other Titles: Women & therapy
Authors: Greene, Kathryn
Miller, Diane Helene
Causby, Vickie
Keywords: Gay/lesbian/transgender
Year: 2001
Publisher: Haworth Press
Citation: 23 (3), March 2001
Notes:  Co-published simultaneously in "Intimate Betrayal: Domestic Violence in Lesbian Relationships" (ed: Ellyn Kaschak) The Haworth Press, Inc. 2001
Discusses the methodology and findings of a research study aimed at identifying and exploring some of the predictors of domestic violence in lesbian relationships. A background to the issue of lesbian battering is provided and some of the concepts developed to explain the phenomenon, such as control, fusion, dependency and self-esteem, are outlined. Results of the study indicate higher levels of physical aggression than physical violence in lesbian relationships, the former tending to be more strongly associated with fusion and self-esteem, the latter with control and independence. The likelihood of experiencing some form of physical abuse was however the same for heterosexual and lesbian women. Some of the limitations of the study are acknowledged and implications and suggestions for future research explored.
ISSN: 2703149
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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