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Record ID: b14186aa-413e-49d7-9e3f-294ddb2729db
Type: Journal Article
Title: Domestic violence in Puerto Rican gay male couples: perceived prevalence, intergenerational violence, addictive behaviours and conflict resolution skills
Other Titles: Journal of interpersonal violence
Authors: Rodriguez-Madera, Sheila
Toro-Alfonsa, Jose
Keywords: Gay/lesbian/transgender;Psychological abuse;Impact on children and young people;Theories of violence;Drug and alcohol misuse
Year: 2004
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 19 (6), June 2004
Notes:  Presents the theoretical basis for, methodology and results of a study which explored the occurrence of emotional and physical aggression amongst 199 Puerto Rican gay male couples and its relationship to participants’ childhood experiences of domestic violence, addictive behaviours and conflict resolution skills. Argues the findings support the intergenerational transmission of violence model and suggests directions for future policy and research.
ISSN: 0886-2605
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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