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Record ID: ca96e9a6-0a9d-402d-a8eb-849ee1e64646
Type: Journal Article
Title: Domestic violence in the South Asian Muslim immigrant population in the United States
Other Titles: Journal of social distress and the homeless
Authors: Ayyub, Ruksana
Keywords: Cross-cultural;Religious groups
Year: 2000
Publisher: Human Sciences Press
Citation: 9 (3), 2000
Notes:  Drawing upon the author's experience in violence prevention work in Muslim communities, this article examines the incidence of domestic violence in South Asian Muslim populations in the United States and identifies various factors which contribute to and/or alleviate the problem. The role of religion in perpetuating and condoning violence in these communities is discussed and the patriarchal structures of many South Asian cultures are highlighted. Loyalty and commitment to one's family of origin, despite violence, is also a common theme. Suggestions for future intervention and prevention are made.
ISSN: 10530789
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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