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Record ID: 8af45fa6-ec42-4736-9576-d9cb5db84215
Type: Journal Article
Title: Domestic violence, children and family law in Australia and New Zealand
Other Titles: Child abuse prevention newsletter
Authors: Kovacs, Katie
Keywords: Family law
Year: 2002
Publisher: Australian Institute of Family Studies
Citation: 10 (1), Winter 2002
Notes:  Reviews some of the major changes to family law in Australia and New Zealand as it relates to the protection of children and caregivers from domestic violence and discusses a range of studies aimed at ascertaining the positive and negative impacts of these reforms. Argues that although recent reforms have led to an increase in court’s understanding of family violence, the increased visibility of domestic and family violence in family law matters is not necessarily leading to an increase in the safety of victims. Suggests this is largely due to a lack of legislative clarity regarding the appropriateness of certain forms of supervised contact and what constitutes the child’s ‘best interests’ and advocates the development of further research and intervention in this area.
ISSN: 14470039
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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