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Record ID: dd985577-eb6e-441c-a564-5f333d59af15
Type: Journal Article
Title: Domestic violence, parents' view of their infant, and risk for child abuse
Other Titles: Journal of family psychology
Authors: Vuchinich, Samuel
Pratt, Clara C
McGuigan, William M
Keywords: Child protection
Year: 2000
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 14 (4), December 2000
Notes:  This study tests if parental negative perceptions of the child mediate the effect of domestic violence on child abuse risk. Families with firstborn children living in Oregon, USA and at risk of child abuse were contacted during a three-year period (1994-1997). Multidisciplinary teams classified parents as at low, medium or high risk for child maltreatment based on behaviours, statements, attitudes and events observed during home visits. Mothers and fathers assessed as experiencing domestic violence had a more negative view of their child and an increased risk of family child-abuse.
ISSN: 8933200
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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