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Record ID: 956b6a5c-74b4-4d53-8bc2-bc443af7a5fb
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Domestic violence: analysis of a community safety alarm system
Other Titles: Child abuse review : journal of the British Association for the Study and [cut]
Authors: Walker, Steven
Keywords: Housing;Criminal justice responses
Year: 2001
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Citation: 10 (3), May-June 2001
Notes:  Presents the findings of a study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of a trial community alarm system adapted to protect adult and child victims of domestic violence and assist them to remain living in their own homes. Combining both quantitative and qualitative research methods, the study examined the cost effectiveness of domestic violence alarms, advantages and disadvantages from the perspective of service providers, and the experiences/perceptions of service users with regard to alarm systems. The findings suggest that, while the alarm system may be a helpful tool, it is an inadequate deterrent for perpetrators and does not significantly improve interagency cooperation. A combination of strategies for ensuring victim and child safety is suggested.
ISSN: 0952-9136
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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