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Record ID: 377fcf7d-493f-47bb-a16e-335f5723e3e9
Type: Journal Article
Title: Domestic violence: attributions, recommended punishments and reporting behavior related to provocation by the victim
Other Titles: Psychiatry, Psychology and Law
Authors: Knowles, Ann (Ann Darien)
Pavlou, Maria
Keywords: Community attitudes
Year: 2001
Publisher: Australian Academic Press : Samford Valley
Citation: 8 (1), 2001
Notes:  This study explores community perceptions of domestic violence responsibility when victim provocation is present. Around 130 members of the public from various cultural backgrounds were asked about who was to blame in one of four scenarios that ended in physical assault. The participants were also asked to select a punishment and to decide if the incident should be reported to the police. In the situations that involved a male friend and the wife’s verbal aggression, she was considered more responsible for provoking the attack than when there was a female friend and no verbal aggression. Fifty-five percent of respondents stated that they would report the incident if it were to occur next door. Even though there was no consensus for the sentence handed down, most participants considered that the offender should be punished, regardless of provocation.
ISSN: 1321-8719
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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