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Record ID: 0bd02de0-b729-4d07-9a29-4ea9161ad781
Type: Journal Article
Title: Domestic violence: what can nurses do?
Other Titles: The Australian nursing journal
Authors: Power, Charmaine
Keywords: Screening;Health;Early intervention
Year: 2004
Publisher: Australian Nursing Federation
Citation: 12 (5), November 2004
Notes:  Discusses the importance of educating the nursing profession about domestic and family violence and the implications it can have for women’s and children’s health, identifying some of the key barriers to disclosure faced by victims of spousal violence. A list of indicators nurses should be aware of when assessing women is provided and some specific questions and strategies for intervention are suggested. The need for a thorough assessment of women’s safety is also highlighted.
ISSN: 1320-3185
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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