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Record ID: f2142104-2cc8-4d9b-bf2c-994a13c47979
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Type: Journal Article
Title: DV coverage uncovered: an analysis of current news media coverage of domestic violence
Other Titles: DVIRC Quarterly
Authors: Morris, Belinda
Woodlock, Delanie
Keywords: Community attitudes;Representations of women;Homicide
Year: 2008
Publisher: Domestic Violence & Incest Resource Centre
Citation: 1, Autumn 2008
Notes:  General Overview:This article critiques the portrayal of domestic violence in the Australian media.

Discussion: Reports of domestic violence feature regularly in Australian newspapers and other media. While some news reports are relatively accurate and informative, many journalists and commentators continue to perpetuate stereotypes and myths about domestic violence. This article discusses some of the worst examples of bias in reports about domestic homicide and 'celebrity' domestic violence.

The authors call on the Australian media to take greater responsibility for its coverage of domestic violence. They note that in the United States, the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence worked with the media to establish guidelines for journalists, a model that could also be followed in Australia.
ISSN: 1324-4264
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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