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Record ID: cb38fc55-93dc-4400-896d-1b253a769f56
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Effectively involving men in preventing violence against womenIssues Paper
Authors: Baker, Garth
Keywords: Perpetrators;Theories of violence;Prevention
Categories: Prevention
Year: 2013
Publisher: New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse, Wellington
Citation: No. 5
Notes:  This research paper by the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse looks at the various issues behind efforts to involve men themselves in preventing men’s violence against women. Specific campaigns being implemented in New Zealand are discussed and the work of the US organisation, Futures Without Violence:, is highlighted as a positive approach to involving men in prevention work.

An extensive reference list is included.
Contents:  Terminology
1. Introduction
2. Reasons for involving men in preventing violence to women
3. Men’s access to power
4. Theories and approaches for involving men
5. Strategies for working effectively with men
6. Engaging men
7. What men can do to prevent violence
8. Challenges and risks
9. Violence prevention work with men in New Zealand 10. Conclusion
ISSN: 22533222
Physical description: 37 p.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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