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Record ID: 5218b8fe-9296-482a-bf7e-0aa9d37085fa
Type: Journal Article
Title: Elder abuse in Canada and Australia: implications for nurses
Other Titles: International journal of nursing studies
Authors: Gallagher, Elaine
Trevitt, Corinne
Keywords: Older people;Health
Year: 1996
Publisher: Pergamon Press
Citation: 33 (6)
Notes:  Reports and discusses the findings of a quantitative study of Australian and Canadian registered nurses, their knowledge of, ability to recognise and confidence to intervene in, cases of elder abuse. The introduction and literature review provide a background to the topic, identifying similarities between the Australian and Canadian situation, particularly in relation to their aging populations and universal health care schemes. Elder abuse is defined, its incidence and prevalence is summarised and the absence of studies focusing on the role and capabilities of health care professionals in this field is highlighted. The methodology of the study is then outlined and the results discussed. It is argued that, despite being the first point of contact with the health/welfare system for many victims, both Australian and Canadian nurses lack the confidence and skills to identify and intervene in cases of elder abuse. The authors therefore advocate greater education and community awareness in this area.
ISSN: 002-07314
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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