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Record ID: a0ae07fc-c5c9-4643-b4ed-fc2139c74e8b
Type: Journal Article
Title: Embedded with the perpetrators: a feminist critique of the role of psychotherapy in domestic and family violence
Other Titles: Women against violence : an Australian feminist journal
Authors: McLellan, Betty
Keywords: Policy;Perpetrators
Year: 2005
Publisher: CASA House (Centre Against Sexual Assault)
Citation: (16), 2004-2005
Notes:  "...a presentation delivered on 1 August 2003 at the Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault International Conference 2003 on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia"
This article discusses the role of psychology, psychiatry, psychotherapy and how psychological explanations are used in the service of perpetrators of domestic violence. It looks at the current political context (‘new arrogance’) of how it is possible for governments, media, business, community leaders, police, the law and psychotherapy, to make no effort to hide their alliance or embedded relationship with perpetrators, and then suggests the way forward. It critically discusses the main psychological assessments used to support perpetrators in court, including: post-traumatic stress disorder, dissociation, fragmentation and other modern-day syndromes (False Memory Syndrome and Parental Alienation Syndrome), to discredit women and support perpetrators. It suggests that our analysis must be kept up-to-date, and our understanding of the implications of increasing violence on the world stage and their effects on domestic violence must be enhanced. It suggests other strategies for activism on behalf of women.
ISSN: 1327-5550
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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