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Record ID: 28b043f1-b67d-4bde-a86e-d15bdf731b14
Type: Journal Article
Title: Epidemiological considerations in the conceptualization and utilization of "prevalence" and "incidence rate" in family violence research: a reply to Brownridge and Halli (1999)
Other Titles: Journal of family violence
Authors: Clement, Marie-Eve
Larrivee, Marie-Claude
Helie, S
Keywords: Measurement
Year: 2003
Publisher: Kluwer Academic Plenum Publishers
Citation: 18 (4), August 2003
Notes:  Responding to criticisms raised by Brownridge and Halli that the international literature on family violence is plagued by confusion in relation to the conceptualisation and utilisation of prevalence and incidence terminology, the authors draw on epidemiological literature to develop more appropriate operational definitions of the terms. Analogous difficulties encountered in relation to child maltreatment research are highlighted and it is argued that, while Brownridge and Halli’s ‘gold standards’ are amenable to the measurement of violence, solid epidemiological definitions are adaptable to a broader range of research and participant populations.
ISSN: 0885-7482
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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