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Record ID: a7a7962b-d5cb-4823-b1f4-915cc4b7a2dc
Type: Journal Article
Title: Equivalent harm? The relative roles of maltreatment and exposure to intimate partner violence in antisocial outcomes for young adults
Other Titles: Children and youth services review
Authors: Smith, Carolyn
Park, Aely
Ireland, Timothy
Keywords: Theories of violence;Impact on children and young people
Year: 2012
Publisher: Pergamon Press
Citation: 34 (5), May 2012
Notes:  This US study of child maltreatment, including exposure to adult violence, examines the effects on child psychology and development. It is based on data from the Rochester Youth Development Study which involved a sample of 1000 youths. The authors concluded that children and young adults who were exposed to violence at a young age were more inclined to themselves exhibit anti-social and violent behaviour.
ISSN: 0190-7409
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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